Preserving and promoting
the Treasury of Sacred Music
"Thesaurus Musicae Sacrae"
In his 1963 Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Pope Saint Paul VI called for the treasury of the Church's Sacred Music ("thesaurus musicae sacrae") to be preserved and promoted among the faithful.
Epiphany Sacred Music Program seeks to answer that call.
Located in Lake City, Florida, Epiphany Sacred Music Program serves our Parish and School communities. We offer a uniquely Catholic approach to learning music. We teach the Treasury of the Church's Sacred Music, integrating Aquinian Virtues, and utilizing Alexander Technique, together with Galamian, Lecher, Tuttle, and Suzuki School methodologies.
Currently, we serve children as young as five, going all the way up to retirees. We offer individual and group training in multiple disciplines for all levels.
Deepen your knowledge of our Catholic Thesaurus Musicae Sacrae so that together, we can make a joyful (and beautiful!) noise unto the Lord!
Epiphany Sacred Music Program seeks to answer that call.
Located in Lake City, Florida, Epiphany Sacred Music Program serves our Parish and School communities. We offer a uniquely Catholic approach to learning music. We teach the Treasury of the Church's Sacred Music, integrating Aquinian Virtues, and utilizing Alexander Technique, together with Galamian, Lecher, Tuttle, and Suzuki School methodologies.
Currently, we serve children as young as five, going all the way up to retirees. We offer individual and group training in multiple disciplines for all levels.
Deepen your knowledge of our Catholic Thesaurus Musicae Sacrae so that together, we can make a joyful (and beautiful!) noise unto the Lord!
Areas of Training